
We Spoke to Swiftor About his Twitch Channel & Social Media Rebrand

Rebranding your Twitch Channel as a streamer can be a daunting task. There are so many factors that go into a rebrand that can have a positive or negative effect on your channel.

We recently spoke to Swiftor on how he came up with his new logo and rebrand for his channel.

Streamer News: How did you come up with the new logo? What was the through process that went into the development?

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I had originally asked for a Cheetah with antlers. Cheetahs being the fastest animal –> Swiftor, and Antlers to represent my uni-bro hands sign.


Streamer News: “Swiftor” could literally be any logo. But the thought process behind the new logo makes sense. What about your social media platforms, how did you come up with the idea to differentiate the logo?

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I took the logo to a experienced design in creating banners for Social Media. After a few iterations we created what you see below. It was spot as to what I wanted for my Twitter, Twitch, and YouTube pages.



Streamer News: Well the designers definitely did an amazing job. We love the new logo and look forward to seeing it on all of your channels!

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