
Twitch Adds Support Button for Twitch Prime Members

A new Support button recently appeared on the top of broadcasters channel next to Follow and Subscribe. The Support Button states “As a Prime user, you are currently enjoying an ad-free experience. If you choose to view ads on this channel, you can help “streamer” earn more on Twitch!”

This feature is currently available to a small percentage of Twitch Prime members and will increase soon. [Source]

Many partnered broadcasters in the community took to Twitter to discuss the new feature. Little was said on Twitch’s side, VP of Partnerships John Memes confirmed “Watching an additional ad counts as an extra impression – think of it as a double support.”

Hassan (Twitch Partnership Development), also addressed the support button in a series of tweets below:

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1 Comment

  • Seems to be a good idea; as usual, I feel like the communication could’ve been done a bit better. It’s hard, mostly because the testing of these features usually get blown up by people unclear on their mechanics. All it takes is a big streamer making a tweet for Twitch to get a bunch of negative press when something like this is relatively innocent.