
Twitch Updates the Requirements to Enter the TwitchCon 2016 Talent Show

Twitch updated the requirements for the TwitchCon 2016 Talent Show to accommodate for some performing art acts that plan on auditioning.

The main adjustment is you only need to stream a total of 4 hours on Twitch Creative. As long as you do that and submit a video of your audition according to the rules you will be considered.

What you must do (in detail):

  • Stream a MINIMUM of 4 hours on under the Twitch “Creative” category.
    • Originally, we asked that these hours be spent “in preparation for your act.” Due to feedback from some performers who feel that 4 hours of preparation for a single act may be a detriment to their performance (such as magicians or comedians who don’t want to repeat tricks or reveal punchlines before the show), we have opened up the streaming requirement to include anything you wish to stream on Twitch Creative. We hope you will choose to exercise your new ability to stream performing art, but will accept hours streamed on any creative category.
    • These hours need not be continuous, but must total at least 4.
    • If you wish to be identified as a talent show participant in our directory: in the title of your stream, include the hashtag “#TalentShow”, as well as the corresponding hashtags of the category/categories of your act. For example “Working on a new melody #TalentShow #Music” or “Need your feedback on the new script! #TalentShow #Puppets #Comedy”
  • Submit a video of your act using the form below.
    • Allowed categories (and a few examples of each):
      • #Theatre: monologue, poetry, recitation, short plays, mime, puppets
      • #Comedy: stand-up, skits, improv games, clowning
      • #Dance: solo choreography, ensemble, couples/social dance, traditional
      • #Music: bands, DJ sets, instrumental, beat boxing, slam, spoken word
      • #Magic: illusions, sleight of hand
      • #Art: real-time easel painting, body paint, sand work, projection (note that this should be a performance piece, not just artistic creation)
        Acts may span multiple categories, for example, a comedic skit might be both #comedy and #theatre. An ensemble choral piece may be #music and #dance. A roller skating routine may be #dance, #magic, and #comedy.
    • You may use footage from your required streaming hours in your audition video. Accordingly, you may stream while you record your audition video, if you so choose.
    • Acts may vary in length but should not exceed 5 minutes (however, your audition video may exceed this if you would like to provide additional explanation around your act). Please note that lengthier acts will not be considered more desirable than others; auditions will be judged on quality, not on length.
    • One person may submit multiple acts, but they must submit them separately using this form and stream a minimum of 4 hours in preparation for each audition video submission.
    • Auditions must be submitted on behalf of one person, so if your act includes multiple performers, please choose a representative to submit. Only this representative must be continually present for the minimum 4 streaming hours, however, all performers must participate in some way on the audition video.
    • All performances must consist solely of original material, or proof of permission must be included with the audition video. Covers and the like are not allowed without explicit written permission of the original author.
    • Acts may not contain nudity, excessive profanity, extreme depictions of violence, discriminatory or hate speech, or anything else that would be in violation of the Twitch Terms of Service or Code of Conduct.
  • Make plans to attend TwitchCon.
    • You must be able to attend TwitchCon in person in order to be selected.
    • You will be provided with a badge for admission, but travel and accommodations will be the responsibility of chosen performers.
    • You will be required to attend a brief tech rehearsal in advance of the show.

Click here to submit an audition

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