
Twitch Rolls Out HTML Player UI To Select Users

Twitch Staff member kixelated gave us the update we’ve all been waiting for, HTML5 Player for Twitch! They started rolling out the new video player to 2% of their users, once the remaining bugs are fixed 100% of Twitch’s user base will be able to use the new UI. For the full details check out the post from kixelated below.

kixelated on Twitch HTML Player UI:

Hey guys,

We’ve started the rollout of the new video player to 2% of users. We’ll be bumping up that number to 100% after we fix any remaining bugs. Here’s a screenshot.

This player still uses Flash to display video but the entire player interface has been ported to HTML/JS. This puts us one step closer to killing Flash entirely, and you’ll hear more from us about that in the coming weeks. Aside from the swanky new UI, we’ve also improved the native HLS fallback player available on Safari and Microsoft Edge when Flash is unavailable.

If you’re not one of the 2%, you can still demo the new player via the popout/embed player. Visit this url and change the parameter to your favorite channel:

Let us know if you guys run into bugs or have any suggestions!

For those who aren’t in the 2%, you can demo the new player here. If you have any feedback or suggestions, make sure to comment on the Twitch Subreddit.

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