Community Streamers

Streamer BikeMan Has Minor Heart Attack

StreamerNews has learned that BikeMan had a minor heart attack on stream on the evening of August 13th, signaled by wrist and arm pain. Thankfully, he quickly made it in for immediate care and got a cardiac stent.

The unfortunate news is that he’ll need to have open heart surgery on Wednesday, August 16th due to blockages in all three major blood vessels.

The community has really pulled together for one of it’s own in a special way. BarryCarlyon and LuckyMisfit thoughtfully added some updates and a call for support on his tip page:

An excerpt from the page sums it up well:
[su_quote]For many of us BikeMan is an escape into a wonderful world of laughter, sarcasm and entertainment. He may say that we’re wasting our money, but we all know that’s simply not the case. He’s a genuine human with a beautiful heart. A heart that now needs some TLC.[/su_quote]

We encourage you to send him your love, support, and donations if you can spare them during this time. He’ll be out for five weeks for recovery.

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