
Twitch Announces Twitch Top Broadcasters Program

Moments ago Twitch announced their new Twitch Top Broadcasters Program that will start in July. The Twitch Top Broadcasters program will be evaluated twice a year and will have different tiers of casters in the program.

For example, lower tier casters will receive Twitch Partner branded track jackets that will not be available to the public. Casters will be evaluated on minutes watched, hours broadcast, total followers, total subscribers, subscriber growth, average concurrents, and max peak concurrents. Broadcasters who reach 4 out of the 7 categories will be considered a Top Twitch Broadcaster.

Casters in the Top Broadcasters Program will receive unique product like custom shirts, sponsorships, event invites, game codes, and other features. You can catch the Twitch Partner track jacket above, stay tuned for more information on the Twitch Top Broadcasters program.


via Twitch Blog

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