
Twitch Announces “Clips” – The Best Way to Share Twitch Moments

Ever see a moment on your favorite stream that you wanted to share with your friends but didn’t want to deal with finding the VOD time? Well after today you won’t have to worry because Twitch introduced their newest feature, “Clips.”

Starting today, a “Clip” button on the bottom right-hand corner of the Twitch video player will appear for a select group. Once you press the button, wait a few seconds and a new URL will pop up with a 30-second video of the “clip.”

To share the clip with you friends, copy the URL or use the link buttons to spread the word. If you close your Clip window without sharing, your Clip will be gone.

The Clip window also makes it easy to join the live stream and follow the channel. Also, the Twitch ID of the person who originally recorded the Clip will appear on the top of every Clip so they are credited. Only a portion of viewers have access to this feature but it will available to all in the coming weeks.

via Twitch Blog

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