
The Twitch Subreddit Now Has A Discord Channel [Beta]

Discord is slowly becoming the number one way to chat among the Twitch community. Over the weekend the Twitch Subreddit launched a discord channel beta. The r/Twitch Subreddit will be up for the time being, they aren’t sure if it will be a continued thing. If you are interested in signing up you can click the link below.

Click here to join the Discord channel
via Twitch Subreddit

The rules

The same subreddit rules apply, except we’ll allow twitch channels to be posted in LFG as long as it does not end up in link dumps. if it does, we’ll do something about it. we do not want things to become spammy.

Moderators may be seen in all chat rooms, please be aware they may not be at their computer, or in a position to talk about the subject in that room at the moment. I am not making it a requirement for the mods of this sub to be there. Please do not private message them with questions that can be asked in the chat rooms. For sureddit related issues, use modmail instead!

Additionally, if you see staff, global mods, admins in the chat please be respectful. Do not bug them about twitch related issues that can be answered elsewhere (IE: by contacting support) if you are unsure of anything that might be a rule breaking issue, feel free to message me first.

If you are a staff, admin, or global mod and would like to be added to the appropriate groups, reach out and we’ll add you!

The rooms

Right now, for chat rooms we have what you might expect.

  • “hangout” is where you can just chill.
  • “Techsupport” is for technical questions you might have.
  • “advice” is where you can get advice on your stream, how to run it, maybe how to manage a mod, etc.
  • “developers” is for the code monkeys who want to get together and make fun of PHP, be repulsed by perl, or collaborate on code.
  • “LFG” is where you can try to find other folks to dual stream with, or just play some vidya games with!
  • “Designers” share and discuss visual delectable delights here
  • “Music” share and discuss audible delectable delights here
  • “Area51” [redacted]

About the author


Editor in Chief