
Take a Look at the Updates Twitch Creative Made this Week

This week Twitch made a few updates to Twitch Creative. Twitch Creative Community Manager monkeyonstrike took to the r/Twitch to explain the new features. Below are the bullet points.

Hashtags on Twitch Creative

    • Searchable hashtag system
    • Easier to browse hashtags
    • Update to title at the top of the page to include current hashtag

Food channel

    • Testing a bot in food for requests
    • Follower milestone at 50k; stay tuned!

“Discoverability of broadcasters is one of our biggest focuses in Creative with a directory that features everything from game development to culinary arts. You can now search through the hashtags to find the content that you want to watch as well as an update to how the hashtags are displayed! When you click on a hashtag, it will also update the title to include the tag you are currently viewing. Here is a gif of the new hashtag system in action!

The /food channel has been a great way to share our love of food and we hope that it inspires you to share your cooking on your broadcast. We have implemented a bot to take viewer requests and we will post on the feed on food the schedule for these. We also have an exciting special when we hit 50k follows on the channel… Stay tuned!

We will continue adding new features to Twitch Creative so please feel free to provide your feedback and ideas for these features. You can post to this thread or email us at [email protected]. We are always listening to the community; your ideas shape this platform!”

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Editor in Chief