
Smaliciouz Shows How He Created CohhCarnage’s Fallout Themed Graphic


We always love when the artist shows the start to finish process of how they came up with a design. Smaliciouz created the very popular CohhCarnage Fallout inspired Twitch Teespring campaign that is currently available. As you can see from the sketch above, a lot of time and detail went into this graphic. If you want to purchase one, click the link below.

Click here to purchase


The first design sma created ran into copyright issues with Bethesda. 


This was a quick idea sketch before the final design was made. The idea behind the graphic was to get as much Fallout as possible in it while having a connection to Cohh. As you can see it kept some of the elements in the final shirt. Since Cohh is a big Brotherhood of Steel fan, their logo was a huge inspiration as you can see above.


This was the final outline sma created for the final version of the shirt you see below. As you can see this graphic is filled with detail.


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