
r/Twitch Announces New Moderators & Community Helpers

Today r/Twitch announced their new moderators and community helpers!

They received 117 applications for one moderator position. Congratulations to /u/SaaiTV on becoming the newest r/Twitch moderator.

Since they received so many great applications they also decided to add 3 new Community Helpers – /u/Havryl/u/ggROer and /u/nikitheliger.

The author of the post, Heep123 also took the opportunity to explain some key points for future applications.

  • You must have a Reddit account.
  • You must be active, and should’ve been for a while.
  • You must not be rude to others.
  • You must not provide false information constantly.
  • You are applying to be a mod of /r/Twitch, not the Discord server.
  • You must not view the position as a method of power over other users

Click here to view the thread

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Editor in Chief