
Reminder: TwitchCon 2016 Tickets Go On Sale at 6AM PST | 8AM CST | 9AM EST

Just a quick reminder that TwitchCon 2016 tickets will go on sale at 6AM PST, 8AM CST and 9AM EST. Below we have bullet pointed the best ways to pick up the tickets if you plan on attending.

  • Tickets go on sale Tuesday April 19th at 6AM PST | 8AM CST | 9AM EST
  • There will be a super early bird discount tickets – very limited quantities
  • There will be early bird tickets (after super early bird tickets sellout) – limited quantities
  • There will be regular price tickets (after early bird tickets sellout)
  • Turn on Twitter notifications for Twitch & TwitchCon to know when they go live
  • Sign up for the TwitchCon Newsletter

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Editor in Chief