
Here are the Key Takeaways from Twitch Founder & CEO Emmett Shear’s Interview at TechCrunch Disrupt

TechCrunch Disrupt 2016 kicked off on Monday in San Fransisco. During the show, TechCrunch Moderator Romain Dillet had the opportunity to sit down with Twitch CEO Emmett Shear.

If you missed out on the 15 minute interview you can watch the VOD below. We’ve also pulled four key takeaways which can be read below.

Over the past few months the Twitch Community had a ton of questions regarding the new changes/additions to Twitch. Emmett touches on a few of those topics, and what better than to hear it from the Founder & CEO of Twitch.

  • Twitch will make an announcement during TwitchCon 2016 about a “really deep product integration with Amazon.”
  • During the Twitch broadcasts of the RNC and DNC, 4 new features where tested that could potentially be implemented in the near future such as auto-moderation tools, a chat delay to give moderators an “air-time gap”, stopping repeatable messages, and click-through chat rule windows.
  • Twitch has no plan to go back to the broadcasting ways of the open-platform However, there has been a demand from the Twitch community to stream or watch non-gaming content such as Social Eating or Creative. Video games will continue to be the main content on the site but Twitch is always willing to give content creators and viewers new features.
  • Social Eating was created on Twitch because they had a lot of South Korean streamers show interest in it. Since Twitch doesn’t believe in geographically locking content they decided to make Social Eating a global directory on the site.

Click here to watch the VOD

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