
DansGaming Kickstarter Review Stream August 2015

This past Saturday, DansGaming streamed his highly anticipated Kickstarter review. If you haven’t already seen or heard about this segment you need to check it out ASAP. For his community, it is one of the best moments to catch! One of the only places on Twitch where the audience members can PogChamp at potential new releases coming to Steam or FailFish cringe-worthy videos.

As most of us know, Kickstarter is an interesting website, to say the least, and what could be more entertaining than dredging through the darkest, deepest parts of it? This segment usually occurs at the end of every month and is a must see!

Here is a link to the VOD

For updates on future Kickstarter streams follow Dan on Twitter!

Make sure you also follow his channel!

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Editor in Chief