
Apply To Be A Junior Moderator On r/Twitch

If you are a heavy user/contributor to r/Twitch this job will be perfect for you. ShannonZKiller made a thread on the Twitch Subreddit asking the community to apply for two junior moderator positions. Below is what the job entails, if you feel you meet the requirements, you can apply by clicking the link below.

From ShannonZKiller:

We are looking to take on 2 ‘junior’ moderators! What’s a ‘junior’? It’s a role that will initially be more catered to helping attribute link and user flair, answering modmail, ensuring posts adhere to the rules of this sub-reddit, as well as having a badge/flair so that your helpful replies or suggestions reflect the positive and supportive spirit of this reddit even more. Access to ban abilities and CSS customization is opened up after a trial period has been successful. This is the way we added mods last year and we felt it worked great! If you’d like to help out the community more and you think your activity here makes you a good candidate…

We will start the selection process sometime next week! We received a huge amount of applications last time so while we are very appreciative of all who apply, we will not be able to give feedback/reply to those who are not selected.
Thank you! <3

Click here to apply

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Editor in Chief