
Twitch Community Manager ShannonZKiller Wrote a Twitch Friends Feature Guide

The Twitch Friends Feature was implemented last week and the feedback and been very positive. In case you missed out, Twitch Community Manager of Education ShannonZKiller put together a very thorough guide on how to use the new feature. Below we’ve highlighted the FAQ, click the link below to view the full guide.

Click here to view the guide

  • Q: Are Friends different than Followers?
    • A: Yes. Since the release Whispers in 2015, the Twitch community sent 300 MILLION messages to each other. Friends was created to make Whispering even easier. Followers are other members who follow your channel, and are not on your Friends list.
  • Q: How do I know if the person is already my Friend  when searching the username directory?
    • A: If you are searching for a particular person, and many similar names come up in your search, simply hover your cursor over the username and if they are already your Friend, a little card will appear that says “Friend”.
  • Q: How many Friends can I have?
    • A: There is currently a maximum of 500 Friends.
  • Q: I do not have the Friends feature yet. Why is that, and how do I get the feature?
    • A: When a person with Beta access sends a friend request, it gives the target recipient access to the beta and anoints them with invite powers of their own. We thought this would be a fun way to share the feature while we test public beta. The viral sharing ends and everyone will have access to Friends when beta ends.
  • Q: My request inbox will not be a distraction, will it?
    • A: On the requests box, there is a heading for “People you may know”, and “Other” for those you may not know. Requests are sorted with people you may know taking priority, to keep request notifications more organized and not feel overwhelming. For example, people you have already hadWhisper conversations with will have their requests appear in your “People you may know” tab.
  • Q: What factors determine recommended friends?
    • A: Recommended friends is based on people you may have interacted with, especially with Whispers.

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